Age: 24
Gender: Female
Topic: Gynecology
Chat Rating: star star star star star_half
Location: Bangalore

Its been 3 months i had my last periods... last periods was on March 22

Hello xxxx , ! I am the doctor’s assistant. Before your consultation with the doctor starts, it is important that you answer the following questions.
Which of the following symptoms is your chief complaint?
  • Irregular periods
  • Missed or delayed periods
  • Pain during Menstruation
  • Others
  • Submit
Which of the following symptoms is your chief complaint? Missed or delayed periods
When was your last period?
  • Enter here
  • Submit
When was your last period? march 22
Have you done a urine pregnancy test?
  • Yes, It was positive
  • Yes, It was negative
  • No, I haven't
  • Submit
Have you done a urine pregnancy test? Yes, It was negative
Have you had sexual intercourse recently?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Submit
Have you had sexual intercourse recently? Yes
Do you have the following conditions?
  • PCOD
  • Thyroid Problem
  • High Blood pressure
  • None
  • Submit
Do you have the following conditions? None
Thanks! Doctor has received your payment
Good Morning xxxx ! I am here to help you, please tell me more about your problem.
my last periods was on March 22 doctor
after dat i haven't got my periods
i am worried about this... i am sure that i am NOT pregnant but still missing my periods
wat should I have to do now doctor
Can I call you please
my periods use to get delayed maximum for 10 to 12 days and this is the first time its delayed for such a long time
sorry doctor i am in office so it would be better if you could chat
i am not allowed to take calls while i am in office
I understand
so can you please chat with me doctor
yes you can call me at 12pm
Then we will speak over a call .
okay thank you
doctor can you please call me at 1pm?
if you don mind
I don't mind call u
xxxx , I am calling you now. Please pickup.
Call consultation completed. Duration :12:00 min
Ur most welcome my dear
Do you have any doubts or wish to share anything more?
which is the test i donot need to undergo?
which was the test that you mentioned no need to do?
is it USG?
Usg yes
okay, i booked a lab test through the app... they said they' will send a copy of report to u
Ok thanks
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